VMEET® 4K Telepresence

具有成本效益的下一代VMEET®4K UHD統一通信,呈現生動的身臨其境的網真體驗

Softfoundry VMEET®4K UHD網真具有逼真的視頻會議體驗和完美的音頻和視頻質量,可提高決策的效率和質量。 VMEET®4K UHD網真團結了全球團隊,以提供非凡的體驗,就像在同一會議室里工作一樣; 它可以幫助您的企業在全球化業務環境中保持績效增長。
Softfoundry的VMEET®支持專有的視頻編解碼器(SFDV ++)和最新的H.265視頻編解碼器,以令人難以置信的低帶寬,較低的開發成本和創新功能提供最佳的視頻會議性能,帶來更快的投資回報。 基於VMEET®軟件的視頻會議解決方案可實現最大的可配置性,為現場的移動用戶在任何時間召開會議提供便利,以方便其與董事會會議主席。

Efficient and secure confidential communications.

Improves the efficiency and quality of decision-making.

Cost effective, saving more than 80% of communication and travelling cost.

Highly effective collaboration, remotely builds trust and good relationship.

Support large scale interactive conference and collaborations.

Enjoy 4K Ultra HD over IP networks at around 2 Mbps.

Supports enterprises to expand globally, enhance your business competitiveness.

Compatible with third party conference system, protecting your existing resources.

VMEET® 4K Telepresence